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Ceres Strikes again and again!


Updated: Feb 13, 2023

To be #1 the Ceres Guild bullied many people in PvE gear questing the map! This abusive behavior focused Ki members since October 2015! They have added Ki members to their friend list to locate us on the map just to Kill us every time we spawn to quest. I spoke to the leader about this behavior, however he believes stalking EOS players to kill them multiple times in a row over extended periods is part of the game! In fact in the last few weeks they have hunted Ki specific members on the Vaulted Plains between 3am-10am.

Make sure you take a buddy in PvP gear while doing dailies! Don't speak in all chat, even if you get mad! They will make screenshots of your outraged remarks and get you banned like they did POOR SueTien and then me! Don't speak to their Game Stages, those people are just RUDE! You can make a help ticket about it, but aeria support doesn't care! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What was Ceres and what did they do?

  1. #1 guild in points while I played EOS

  2. Acquired guild rank by killing lower levels who quested

  3. Made screenshots after harassing players who were outraged

  4. Screenshots was sent to players with GSEN in their name

  5. GSEN reported harassed players aiming to suspend their accounts

What did Ceres do specifically that was harassing?

  • Added Ki members specifically to stalk them

  • Stalked Ki members to kill while completing daily PvE content

  • Killed any low level defenseless Ki who quested

  • Got us banned when we were outraged at their behavior

  • Forced Ki members into their guild with the mantra "Join Ceres or die"

  • Acquire GSEN into their guild to support the harassment of players

  • Pretended like this behavior was part of the game

How did this behavior affect me?

  • I received account suspensions before major PvP events

  • While banned I can't lead my guild, so Ki becomes a no show

  • If I tried to do my daily PvE quest, I was stalked and killed

  • Kharlan(Ceres Leader) put my name on a 24hr hunt over months

  • After killing Ki members, Ceres members told them leave Ki or die

  • Ki members complained about not being able to play

  • Ki lost 97% members I'd recruited, invested time and money on

  • I later decided to quit EOS after being unable to play

Was there any help from EOS staff?

  • Short answer: NO

  • Aeria Staff enabled and insisted the harassment was acceptable

  • GSEN holders shamelessly announced their rudeness to the server

  • GSEN were the primary reason we got banned after being harassed

But Zashiki didn't you do PvP?

I come from IMVU, so I know jumping into a chat and spamming attack skills to a random person even if it doesn't hurt the person or their character is determined as cyber bullying. Just because I did 3D role play and made virtual weapons doesn't mean the target will receive the message I'm trying to send by attacking them. In fact I did previously create an organization specifically with the intent to harass people who join IMVU chats nude, by stalking them to their chats and attacking them silently in 3D. But then I determined my behavior was upsetting after my character got virtually attacked by a weapon I designed, owned by a person who I click baited into buying said weapon.

To summarize, I matured a little bit and decided I don't want to get banned for cyber bulling, I also stopped making YouTube click bait because I hadn't realized people get mad when they are tricked. This newly founded mindset I developed in 2006 led me into the world of Role Play.

World of Role Play?

I stopped being a creator of virtual weapons and YouTube click bait because I was able to rationalize that people have to be willing to participate. Tricking them to do something they otherwise won't do via click bait or surprise attack forces their hate toward me. Before I was 18 I made the determination that I have to create an event for willing participants to join, then create the rules and while playing along those rules I can fight people in a 3D environment which is called Role Play. Meaning that I already knew participants need to be willing to participate to have a successful virtual activity.

So when I started EOS in 2015 at age 26, I only killed people during DESIGNATED PvP EVENTS!!!! During these specific activities, players understand the rules of engagement and willingly participate wearing the appropriate gear. There is no hate exchanged, only "who can kill who faster"... etc

Therefore, just because I did player vs player events such as Battle Field, Arena, Valhala or Issus does not mean I would ever use game mechanics to stalk/harass or virtually provoke players to loose their "shit".

What's the difference between Ceres and Ki aren't both hostile Guilds?

EOS mechanics require guilds to be "hostile" to earn points toward guild rank. Even though Ki is friend to all and I constantly recruited new players who quest the map to gain levels, guilds did not attack us. To be hostile means we are attackable, but it also means we can participate in PvP events such as Valhala and Issus. Valhala occured twice per day at 6am and noon for me.

When I come to play at 5am it's already 11am for the native Europeans. Ki had a schedule: dailies -> valhalla -> battlefield -> valhalla -> battlefield -> dungeons. This means we're occupied with game events from the time we log in to the time we log off.

Kharlan on the other hand who led Ceres along with most of the GSEN staff play along different rules. They used game mechanics to exploit, provoke, harass and kill active players who quest. It does not matter if a player is questing, if the player is in a hostile guild Ceres members killed those people and stopped them from completing content.

So the major difference between Ki and Ceres is simply our morals. Ki chooses to keep PvP during PvP specific content, Ceres wants to exploit game mechanics to provoke/harass and destroy player morale either by killing them during PvE content or getting them banned.

In the following photo I spoke to the Ceres guild lead and declared my outrage at his behavior. How did I find him on the map? He killed a Ki member then told that member to call me there. In the screenshot I'm asking him "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!"

Ki members made screenshots of themselves trying to do content but were unable to continue because they were being stalked to kill/prevented from playing:

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