Echo of Soul Gear 101
How to get Level 1-69 gear?
Dungeons: Located in all 5 continents on the map!
Quests: (ALT + H ->Quests) Quest Assistants are in all 6 main cities!
Battlefield Merchant: Located in the PvP area of Ignea
Level 70 Gear
Level 70 Gear are counted xPart=Item Level/Gear Score/Equipment Level
(Press "p") The numbers under your name is your current ilvl
ilvl is access or denial to Level 70 dungeons/raids and usable high stat items
Level 70 PVE
Types of PvE: Solo, Party, Raids
Level 69-70(154 ilvl) PvE Gear Guide
Infinite Solo Dungeons [h]
154 gear Gives access to the 1208 Solo Infinite Dungeon. You have 30 free Entries for this Solo Dungeon and you can use dungeon tickets to open 30 more per week. The point of Soul Keeper Solo is not only to gain the correct ilvl to access into the next level dungeons but also for you as the player to practice your pve rotation and skills on bosses and mobs. These dungeons can be accessed at any time and usually drop something random, you would be very lucky to complete the gear set in 60 entries.
166+ gear is obtained through Soul Keeper Solo/Soul Keeper Party/Dungeons/Raids or can be bought through the daily Blue/Red Chrome Quests. Save ALL PvE Gear(even ones not of your class) after Lv 70 to use for your High Level Gear Optimization!
Chrome Dailies
For example if you are ilvl 1328 and need 175 PvE gear you can go to the NPC for PvE dailies (next to the chrome merchants in Bernicia) take the quest to transport directly into the questing area. Depending on the number of days completed and number of chromes collected you will be able to buy the missing 175 gear you need if Soul Keeper didn't give it to you. The best option is to complete your chrome dailies everyday collecting lots of chromes. After completing your 30-60 entries perhaps you are missing 2 pieces of ilvl 1400, well now you can spend the chromes collected to complete the set.
Infinite Dungeon Levels:
1208*151*Stage 1*Drops: 166
1280*160*Stage 2*Drops: 166
1304*163*Stage 3*Drops: 166
1328*166*Stage 4*Drops: 169-175
1352*169*Stage 5*Drops: 172-178
1376*172*Stage 6*Drops: 175-181
Party Dungeon Levels:
1280 (n)
1304 (h)
1352 (n)
1376 (h)
Raid Dungeon Levels:
1328 (n)
1352 (h)
PVE gear Optimization
Save all extra gear to use for High level gear optimization!

Press " i " and click this button.

Items that can be optimized will display Text on their icon. Click on the item to be Optimized.

Place items of the same kind and the optimizer into the boxes. Proceed to Optimize.

Press " i " and click this button.
Level 70 PvP
175 PvP gear is purchased at the Battlefield merchant in Bernicia. After this, you may purchase 184 PvP gear by obtaining 200 fighters badges weekly to convert into gladiator badges. Gladiator & Fighters Badges are spent at the Arena Merchant!
Arena Badges
1st Spam FREE ARENA for 200 Fighters Badges (weekly)
2nd Complete 30 TEAM ARENA Matches for Gladiator Badges (weekly)
Weekly Reset is Wed@0800 EOS time, the Gladiator Badges are REWARDED at this time depending on your team score.
How to BUY 184 PvP Gear?!
Take your 200 Fighters Badges from Free Arena and spend them to buy the 130 Gladiators Badges. If you have done your team arena from the Sunday/Monday with a score of 1300+ then you should have 140+ gladiator badges already.
130+140 = 270 Gladiator Badges TOTAL in ONE WEEK! (or more)
184 PvP Gear Prices:
Arm: 246
Shoes: 246
Pants: 255
Chest: 268
Weapon: 388
Belt: 246
Shirt: 175
Helm: 236
ACC: 110/107
Approx: 10 weeks of Maxing Free Arena + 30 TA Games
Legendary PvP Gear (ilvl 190)
1) Collect 100 Trapped Souls and 250 Resource Vitality first.~
2) Open your PvP path, and right click on either icon.~
3) Use the staff on any 184 Accessory or your 184 Weapon.~
Where to find these items?
• PvE content - Hephestus’s Brilliant Trapped Soul
- Box collected from Dungeon Daily Quests
- You can get a random amount of souls (between 1 and 10) from each box.
• PvP content - Brilliant Concentrated Resource Vitality
- Purchase these fragments with Hero Badges at the Battlefield General Merchant.
- Box gives a random amount of resources (between 1 and 10), and other rewards.
PvP gear Optimization
Reset the appraise with appraiser's pouches and reroll the stats with appraiser's lens.
Both are cash shop items found in lamps, the cash shop, web shop, or the market. You can roll on normal 184 gear for purple stats (highest) or roll for orange stats on legendary gear. These pouches are very expensive, so if you get double blue stats, it is okay to keep it.