Build Stats!

Support Item
Your Support Item will boost your damage!
It is VERY important to work on your support item everyday!
Take the quest and collect those VPE!
Ways to get Valuable Primal Essence:
PvP Dailies: 1v1 Arena & 3v3 Free Arena
PvE Dailies: Kill 30 Leaders in 2 Red Chrome Areas
Each Level 70 Party Dungeon has a Daily Quest for VPE
Daily Battlefield Quest gives x1 Challenge Coin (x5=10VPE)
Weekly 20k Hero Badges gained from Battlefield = 40VPE
Your Support Item has to be Upgraded!
(1st x50VPE) (2nd x60VPE) (3rd x130VPE) (4th x200VPE) =440
(5th x50VPE) (6th x60VPE) (7th x130VPE) (8th x200VPE) =440






You can choose 1 of 3 MAIN Professions!

Alchemist Lv 1-601 Guide

Maxed Alchemists can make Ancient Remedies with a high Stat Boost!
Alchemists can craft the Appraiser's Ink x1 Week

Maxed Jewelers have a default +88 PvP Piercing+Piercing+Crit Acc!
Jewelers can craft the Appraiser's Pouch x1 Week

Maxed Resource Collectors have a default +523 HP Stat Boost!
Collectors can craft the Appraiser's Pouch x1 Week
You need both hobbies!

Soul Expert for Soul Conversion & Crafting Scrolls for Buffs!
Chef for Crafting Epicurean Deserts with +high Stats!
These Epicurean buffs last past character death!
More Stats
The Pet Tool, Runic Tablet and Vanity items have important stats!
Pet Tool/Whistle:
This item is "achieved", therefore you have to make the achievement by obtaining both of the correct pets and game mails you the tool. There are events where you can get one pet or buy with magic eggs.
Press "n"->MISC->Pet
Runic Tablet:
You need x100+ Appraiser's Inks to open all stats. Each stat is a gamble and the Appraiser's Pouch will reset all stats. Only use inks on the Runic Tablet.
Vanity Items/Transparent Items with Stats:
Season 11+ lamps introduced accessories with helpful stats!
You can also buy these with magic eggs!
Hat: PvP Piercing +30, Piercing +30
Hat: PvP Piercing +60, Piercing +60
Hat: PvP Piercing +90, Piercing +90
Hat: PvP Piercing +120, Piercing +120
Mask: Crit Acc +30, PvP Def +30
Mask: Crit Acc +60, PvP Def +60
Mask: Crit Acc +90, PvP Def +90
Mask: Crit Acc +120, PvP Def +120
Outfit: Atk: 15, Crit Eva +30
Outfit: Atk 30, Crit Eva +60
Outfit: Atk 45, Crit Eva +90
Outfit: Atk 60, Crit Eva +120
Jewelry: Acc +15, Def +30, HP +200
Jewelry: Acc +30, Def +60, HP +400
Jewelry: Acc +45, Def +90, HP +600
Jewelry: Acc +60, Def +120, HP +800

Soul Skills
Soul Skills boost your damage by x% of level!
There are 4 different soul skills. The highest Level of the Soul Skill is Lv.6 and requires 21816 souls. This skill can only be leveled by actively pressing the "t" button. You can farm monsters to gain souls or purchase soul orbs(during events or @ the VPE trader). Co-op purification is the best way to purify your souls, as you will loose -50% souls by using the soul sanctum.
Soul Conversion:
If your soul expert level is 401+ you can preform Soul Conversion. Soul Keeper Soul Converters can be purchased at any ingredient merchant in the Soul Expert Shop. Use this method to convert blue into red souls, etc.
How to access Soul Conversion?
Press "j" -> click on Soul Expert -> Delete all filters -> Buy the Soul Keeper Soul Conversion -> The very top recipes under "Soul Conversion" -> Convert at your own risk! -> Use Soul Extraction (crystals)

Vivid Gems give superior stat boosts to 160+ gear! Replace all your lucids gems with vivid gems.
Save/Use Safeguards for +6 Vivids and above! x1 Safeguard can be purchased with 231 magic eggs! You only need +7 Vivids to make good damage, don't break the bank! These vivids have a high success rate from +4 to +8. But, you should use the safeguard when trying to make +7. Wait for an enhancement event to make +8 and higher. Again, save your safeguards don't break the bank on this! Gems are cheaper/free than safeguards! It's okay if a few +4 and +5 break on your way to +6!
Example of Gem creation:
Don't try this: