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User Interface
Basic Set Up (ALT + O)
Game Tab
Show Alt Hotkey Slots: "20 Slots"
Uncheck: "Healing Scroll Auto-Equip"
Check: "Show Alt. Hotkeys"
Uncheck: "Hide Prohibited Chat Words"
Check: "Display Timestamp"
FPS Set Up (ALT + O)
System Tab

Keyboard Shortcuts (ALT + O)
Hotkeys Tab
[Y] Party Healing Target (Assign: Right click on Party Member HP Bar)
[U] Raid Setup Short Cut
[I] Inventory/Bag
[O] Friend List
[P] Character Info Card
[G] Guild Information
[H] Smart Match (PvP + PvE Integrated Server Matching)
[J] Profression + Hobbies
[K] Skills
[N] Achievements
[L] Quest Log
[M] Map
[ALT + V] Mounts
[ALT + T] Pets
[ALT + B] Social Actions
Type / infront of any action name:
Chat Box
Click the lock icon to unlock and move the chat box.
Right click the "All" tab and uncheck tabs you don't need here.
Chat Box Hotkeys
Invite someone to party/raid: /invite ___
Whisper someone: /w ___
Instantly port to last spawn spot: /stuck
Chat to Guild: /g
Chat to Amity: /f
Chat to local area: /s
Shout to local channels: /z
Chat to Raid: /ra
Raid/Party Leader Alert: /rw

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